Travian CZ/SK Special 2024 – Vote

Ready for fierce competition? Gather your allies, contact people who once played on servers in the CZSK domain and feel the same emotions again!

A special Travian: Legends server dedicated to the CZSK community will start in May 2024.

This is your chance to decide which tribes will appear on this server and at what speed you will play it. What’s more, you can influence the start time of this server!

Participation on the server will be rewarded with a unique medal that no other person has been able to win! You can’t miss it!

Check out the special channel on our Discord – #🏹│czsk-speciál – dedicated to this server and cast your vote until March 19th, 2024.

Click here to join our Discord and vote.
To unlock access to the CZSK section, select ”Mluvím česky” in the Channels & Roles channel.
