CHANGELOG ~ Release Polarbear 980

What’s coming in our next update? Find out in our changelog of release Polarbear 980. Don’t forget to read until the end to save the release schedule in your calendar!

🆕 Features:
TL-8786 – All old unit images were replaced with an improved version. The images are used for example in barracks.

TL-8648 – You can now use the “report player” feature twice per day (only one report per day was possible before). Go ahead and report people that violate the game rules.

TL-8643 – Special commands used to send messages to multiple players within an alliance ([ally], [off], and [def]) are shown as recipient-suggestions when writing an in-game message.

TL-8962 – Resource production pie chart in general statistics shows precise numbers in a tooltip – based on the players suggestion on Discord.

TL-8879 – Added an option to deactivate individual targets of a farm list when editing them.

TL-8784 – Pasting coordinates in a format of x/y into the x-field is now accepted and fills both x and y coordinates on worldmap, rally point (send troops), farm list (add target) and marketplace (send resources). Format x|y was already supported and works in the same way.

TL-9027 – Bandage tooltips now show the minimum recovery time on gameworlds of all speeds. The faster the speed, the shorter the minimum recovery time.

TL-8928 – The battle report will inform that when attacking with catapults there were no buildings left to catapult (happens usually when the village only building is a wall).

TL-8836 – “Leave the alliance” link/button is no longer available for sitters.

🛠️ Bugfixes:
TL-8008 – Marking players or alliances on the map doesn’t require a page refresh anymore.

TL-8540 – RTL languages: fixed village selection leading to the wrong village on Chrome mobile.

TL-9050 – Hero health bar is now updated when they were healed after leveling up by collecting new task system rewards.

TL-8977 – Free crop value now updates immediately when adding/removing a building to construction.

TL-8440 – You can no longer rob more resources than the storage of a village can hold, even including trade offers.

TL-8283 – Collecting daily quests reward exactly at the reset time doesn’t count for the next day anymore.

TL-8895 – Corrected background size of resource costs tooltip in mobile-optimized version.

TL-9005 – Fixed moving hero items by dragging and dropping them after triggering a pop-up message.

TL-8165 – Activation email and resent activation email now use the same gameworld name

TL-8538 – Fixed forwarding troops from an oasis to the village connected to that oasis by using the village name as the target.

TL-8992 – Issue with 2 warning notifications from using banned words is now fixed

TL-9003 – Fixed loyalty task having no reward

TL-8966 – Payment shop: the country selection dialog is now using two columns instead of one when listing more than eight countries.

TL-9010 – Fixed culture points tab in village statistics producing an unknown error when there is a town hall celebration queued

TL-9002 – Building image tooltips on the new building construction page are not displayed in German for all game languages anymore.

TL-8818 – Farm list: Unified behavior of buttons ‘edit all’ and ‘edit selected’, the activate/deactivate status is now retained when moving entries to another farm list.

TL-8947 – Fixed broken switching between pie charts in the general statistics – resource rank section.

🛠️ New Year Special bugfixes:
TL-9041 – New task system: tasks about buildings are now ordered correctly by the amount of missing building levels (from lowest). Tasks that require Culture Points, population and loyalty are still always shown at the top.

🛠️ Shadow Empires bugfixes:
TL-8368 – Ancient powers can no longer be set to automatically prolong by Sitters without the right to buy or spend gold.

⏲️ **Rollout plan (Downtime ~15 min)**

26.01 ~11:03 GMT+1 — PL, Balkans, FR
26.01 ~13:03 GMT+1 — DE, HU, RU
26.01 ~15:03 GMT+1 — IT, Arabics, Lusobrasileiro

27.01 ~11:03 GMT+1 — RO, IL, NL
27.01 ~13:03 GMT+1 — All New Year Special Servers, Asia, TR
27.01 ~15:03 GMT+1 — Baltics, COM worlds 1 to 10

28.01 ~11:03 GMT+1 — Hispano, ID
28.01 ~13:03 GMT+1 — CZSK, Nordics
28.01 ~15:03 GMT+1 — All Shadow Empires Servers, Late Summer Special, Mid Summer Special, Anglosphere

1.02 ~11:03 GMT+1 — Tournament Finals server
