Dear Community,
we are happy to announce that we are ready to release the prototype of the Wave-builder.
What is the Wave-builder?
It is a built-in feature that allows sending waves of attacks in the same second. This is one of the most requested features in the Legends on Tour event, you can find the preliminary information in the notes for the event ➡️ here on page 3. If you want to know more you can as well watch the Ask Travian #22 ~ Let’s Talk about the Wave Builder! about it, where Jake explained the challenges of the feature.
How does it work?
As you can see in the video, with this feature you will be able to setup up to 8 waves to the same target village in one screen, with the aim of having them split 4+4 in the best-case scenario.
Will the waves arrive at the same second?
The tool is developed with around 80% chance for a perfect wave. A wave is made of maximum of 4 attacks. To be more transparent we want to give you a few examples with a real percentage out of our simulations.
· [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] means that attacks 1,2,3 and 4 are in the first second, and attacks 5,6,7 and 8 are in the second second
· [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6,7,8]] means that attacks 1 and 2 are in the first second, attacks 3 and 4 are in the second second and attacks 5,6,7 and 8 are in the third second
Here you can see 3 examples, each of them went through 10k simulation attempts.
Sending 1 wave of 3 attacks:
Sending 1 wave of 4 attacks:
Sending 2 waves of 4 attacks:
How much will the feature costs?
You can activate it for 50 Gold per each village where you want to use it and it will be active for the entire duration of the game world.
What happens if my village gets conquered?
If a village with the Wave-builder feature the feature gets disabled. If you conquer again the village the feature is NOT automatically enabled again, you will have to activate it again.
Chiefing own village will not deactivate the feature.
Where will it be possible to test the prototype?
As soon as the prototype is finalized, it will be installed in three game worlds: International PTR (once that one starts), Codex Victoria Closed Beta and Codex Victoria France. We expect the release to happen before Xmas 2019.
Your Travian: Legends Team