SoW INTERNATIONAL x2: Won by SKY (September 2023 – January 2024)


Game world information

Game world: SoW INTERNATIONAL x2
Round: I (1)
Travian Version: T4.6 Shores of War
Map size: 401×401
Speed: x2
Troop speed: x2

Game world progression

Start date
13.09.2023, 16:00 UTC+1
First to settle 2nd village
ROMAN STRIKE, 15.09.2023
Leading force with the most controlled regions
The leading force with the most controlled regions at the time
19.10.2023, 15 regions, BW
Leading force with the most victory points
The leading force with the most victory points at the time
24.11.2023, 1.179.987 victory points, BW
End date
11.01.2024, 15:00 UTC+0

Age of the game world
120 days

Total numbers of created accounts
4.874 accounts


01_150__0002_TribeRanking_Roman.png.png 22,9%
01_150__0003_TribeRanking_Teuton.png.png 5,8%
01_150__0001_TribeRanking_Gaul.png.png 18,7%
01_150__0005_TribeRanking_Egyptian.png.png 20,1%
01_150__0004_TribeRanking_Hun.png.png 14,7%
03_150_0031_TribeRanking_Spartan.png 17,9%

The 10 most successful alliances

Victory Points
Roman_Numerals_1.png SKY 60 38 3.432.193
Roman_Numerals_2.png ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 58 21 2.071.314
Roman_Numerals_3.png CHC 60 22 1.656.899
Roman_Numerals_4.png BW 30 2 209.910
Roman_Numerals_5.png ITA 59 3 204.293
Roman_Numerals_6.png SaQ 19 0 18.856
Roman_Numerals_7.png ICE 11 0 3.561
Roman_Numerals_8.png CC 1 0 3.300
Roman_Numerals_9.png GR 3 0 2.179
Roman_Numerals_10.png NCR 11 0 1.646


Regional Population
Territorial Control
Marcomanni (The trainers slight talent IV) SKY 52.599 100%
Syracusae (The architects’ great secret II) SKY 36.474 100%
Massalia (Increased victory point production) SKY 33.758 100%
Theodosia (Rivals slight confusion IV) SKY 21.713 99,37%
Berzobis (The great titan boots I) SKY 14.863 98,78%
Thebes (Great storage masterplan II) CHC 32.351 98,31%
Alalie (The architects’ slight secret I) SKY 15.882 97,68%
Tyras (The unique titan boots) SKY 49.672 97,5%
Augustodunum (The great titan boots IV) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 56.299 97,46%
Salona (Increased victory point production) SKY 35.864 95,58%
Bagacum (The eagles great eyes II) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 72.125 95,12%
Aquileia (Rivals great confusion IV) SKY 42.245 94,62%
Tarraco (Rivals slight confusion V) CHC 43.993 94,24%
Burdigala (The trainers great talent I) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 69.948 93,53%
Sparta (Increased victory point production) SKY 61.405 93,52%
Ravenna (The slight titan boots V) SKY 18.450 93,1%
Caesarea (Slight storage masterplan IV) CHC 60.531 92,88%
Carthago (The slight titan boots II) CHC 62.316 92,07%
Vandali (The slight titan boots IV) SKY 74.150 91,89%
Nemausus (The trainers slight talent II) SKY 37.918 91,33%
Pictavium (The eagles slight eyes I) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 36.874 90,89%
Corinium (Slight storage masterplan V) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 54.308 90,61%
Teutones (Unique diet control) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 16.071 90,04%
Rusicadae (The architects unique secret) CHC 15.248 89,99%
Londinium (Increased victory point production) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 30.550 89,9%
Hippo Regius (The trainers great talent IV) CHC 45.087 87,95%
Memphis (The architects’ slight secret V) CHC 58.680 87,15%
Tarsus (Rivals slight confusion III) ITA 65.387 86,33%
Segestica (Slight diet control I) SKY 27.944 85,49%
Durnonovaria (The trainers slight talent VI) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 17.414 85,31%
Narbo (Great storage masterplan IV) SKY 21.220 84,97%
Philippopolis (Increased victory point production) SKY 26.902 83,85%
Athens (Great storage masterplan III) SKY 13.816 82,4%
Lilybaeum (Great diet control IV) SKY 13.407 82,08%
Treverorum (The architects’ slight secret IV) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 22.114 81,79%
Volubilis (The eagles slight eyes III) ITA 200.466 81,69%
Venedae (Slight diet control III) SKY 120.752 81,33%
Apollonia Pontica (The trainers slight talent V) SKY 14.812 81,16%
Lutetia (Slight diet control II) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 41.155 80,51%
Mursa (The trainers great talent II) SKY 20.074 79,85%
Sarmatia (The eagles great eyes IV) SKY 12.7499 79,34%
Scythia (The architects’ slight secret III) SKY 31.175 78,76%
Samothrace (Rivals great confusion II) CHC 39.481 77,37%
Emporiae (The architects’ great secret IV) SKY 22.215 75,69%
Hyperborea (Increased victory point production) SKY 77.356 75,11%
Ammon (Rivals great confusion I) CHC 60.369 74,66%
Athribis (Great diet control II) CHC 31.083 74,55%
Caralis (The eagles great eyes III) CHC 61.042 74,22%
Jerusalem (Increased victory point production) CHC 35.839 73,88%
Gherla (Great diet control I) SKY 67.922 73,77%
Cherusci (Increased victory point production) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 58.862 73,41%
Girba (Slight diet control IV) CHC 52.504 72,62%
Alexandria (Slight storage masterplan III) CHC 35.353 72,04%
Eburacum (The slight titan boots I) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 37.147 71,56%
Epidaurum (Rivals slight confusion II) CHC 28.494 71,4%
Castra Regina (Great diet control III) SKY 21.170 69,69%
Brundisium (Great storage masterplan I) SKY 10.663 69,47%
Carthago Nova (The great titan boots III) CHC 30.935 69,04%
Lepcis Magna (The trainers slight talent I) CHC 38.686 68,17%
Byzantinum (The architects’ great secret I) SKY 8.174 67,56%
Tolosa (Slight diet control VI) SKY 44.292 67,53%
Hibernia (The eagles unique eyes) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 135.233 66,58%
Ulpiana (Slight storage masterplan VI) SKY 34.037 66,47%
Emerita Augusta (Rivals unique confusion) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 51.762 65,75%
Burgundi (The architects’ slight secret VI) SKY 20.776 65,01%
Bastarnae (Increased victory point production) SKY 38.990 63,92%
Rusadir (Increased victory point production) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 43.183 63,76%
Cimbri (Rivals slight confusion I) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 50.683 63,12%
Cyrene (The great titan boots II) CHC 24.960 63%
Apollonia (The eagles slight eyes V) SKY 18.368 62,82%
Saguntum (The architects’ slight secret II) CHC 39.786 62,72%
Hispalis (Rivals great confusion III) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 9.165 61,66%
Caledonia (The architects’ great secret III) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 30.597 61,41%
Iconium (Slight diet control V) ITA 23.311 61,11%
Numantia (Slight storage masterplan I) CHC 30.010 59,97%
Argentorate (Slight storage masterplan II) SKY 123.545 57,55%
Corduba (The trainers slight talent III) CHC 28.415 57,38%
Delphi (The trainers great talent III) SKY 12.795 57,21%
Mediolanum (Rivals slight confusion VI) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 49.460 56,77%
Halicarnassos (The slight titan boots VI) SKY 25.081 55,2%
Mogontiacum (The eagles slight eyes VI) SKY 76.789 54,53%
Paraitonion (The trainers unique talent) BW 16.275 52,64%
Pisae (The eagles slight eyes IV) CHC 30.356 51,76%
Olisipo (Increased victory point production) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 31.571 51,16%
Segovia (The slight titan boots III) ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 53.251 50,26%
Ancyra (The eagles slight eyes II) BW 15.762 50,25%
Petra (The eagles great eyes I) SKY 12.473 45,18%

The 10 largest players

Roman_Numerals_1.png Fester Addams SKY 62.244 60
Roman_Numerals_2.png ptt ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 59.254 51
Roman_Numerals_3.png Varys SKY 56.837 56
Roman_Numerals_4.png Morgan le Fay SKY 51.042 52
Roman_Numerals_5.png InquisiTor SKY 46.367 48
Roman_Numerals_6.png FORFun CHC 45.555 48
Roman_Numerals_7.png Oblivious Otter SKY 43.494 49
Roman_Numerals_8.png Z4pp4 SKY 41.903 45
Roman_Numerals_9.png HavaWar SKY 41.146 41
Roman_Numerals_10.png Rosgard SKY 40.674 45

The 10 most successful attackers

Roman_Numerals_1.png Biz geldik 4.518.318
Roman_Numerals_2.png ALiKoMa 3.961.926
Roman_Numerals_3.png Varys 3.134.539
Roman_Numerals_4.png SultanSelim 2.951.498
Roman_Numerals_5.png Big Bad Wolf 2.785.644
Roman_Numerals_6.png Musketeers 2.297.924
Roman_Numerals_7.png xcj 2.202.486
Roman_Numerals_8.png piaza rea ! 2.018.770
Roman_Numerals_9.png Oblivious Otter 1.959.986
Roman_Numerals_10.png Tr_Flagship 1.670.668

The 10 most successful defenders

Roman_Numerals_1.png Panzerbeton 2.488.257
Roman_Numerals_2.png Sarea in bucate 2.149.436
Roman_Numerals_3.png Betonator 1.674.224
Roman_Numerals_4.png Uzenรกล™i 1.661.501
Roman_Numerals_5.png LSCNBGTSOLAS 1.583.809
Roman_Numerals_6.png Groot 1.371.423
Roman_Numerals_7.png currinchi 1.313.988
Roman_Numerals_8.png Morgan le Fay 1.239.848
Roman_Numerals_9.png Cinge 1.193.128
Roman_Numerals_10.png ECHO 1.085.904

The 10 most experienced heroes

Roman_Numerals_1.png Biz geldik 430 4.650.642
Roman_Numerals_2.png ALiKoMa 375 3.530.738
Roman_Numerals_3.png SultanSelim 336 2.840.518
Roman_Numerals_4.png Varys 336 2.837.024
Roman_Numerals_5.png Sarea in bucate 329 2.719.746
Roman_Numerals_6.png Oblivious Otter 315 2.491.985
Roman_Numerals_7.png Musketeers 308 2.389.588
Roman_Numerals_8.png Big Bad Wolf 308 2.382.667
Roman_Numerals_9.png piaza rea ! 307 2.369.184
Roman_Numerals_10.png Panzerbeton 299 2.245.112

The 10 largest alliances

Roman_Numerals_1.png SKY 60 29.283 1.756.951
Roman_Numerals_2.png CHC 60 20.193 1.211.568
Roman_Numerals_3.png ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 58 20.582 1.193.759
Roman_Numerals_4.png ITA 59 8.744 515.892
Roman_Numerals_5.png BW 30 5.326 159.769
Roman_Numerals_6.png ICE 11 6.152 67.668
Roman_Numerals_7.png NE-K 4 13.894 55.575
Roman_Numerals_8.png SaQ 19 2.103 39.964
Roman_Numerals_9.png NCR 11 2.683 29.512
Roman_Numerals_10.png ๆ€’่›Ÿๅนซ 4 4.411 17.644

The 10 best alliances (attack)

Roman_Numerals_1.png SKY 39.005.104
Roman_Numerals_2.png ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 21.750.552
Roman_Numerals_3.png CHC 15.746.650
Roman_Numerals_4.png BW 9.399.832
Roman_Numerals_5.png ITA 3.277.182
Roman_Numerals_6.png GR 1.132.395
Roman_Numerals_7.png SaQ 790.383
Roman_Numerals_8.png NCR 733.068
Roman_Numerals_9.png ICE 454.216
Roman_Numerals_10.png B@ST 434.473

The 10 best alliances (defense)

Roman_Numerals_1.png CHC 29.739.718
Roman_Numerals_2.png SKY 16.374.656
Roman_Numerals_3.png BW 13.245.161
Roman_Numerals_4.png ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“ 11.717.351
Roman_Numerals_5.png ITA 7.511.927
Roman_Numerals_6.png GR 2.235.765
Roman_Numerals_7.png ICE 2.084.814
Roman_Numerals_8.png SaQ 1.711.699
Roman_Numerals_9.png NCR 1.145.523
Roman_Numerals_10.png B@ST 964.715

The 10 greatest romans

Roman_Numerals_1.png ะกั‚ั€ะฐะถ 30.720 35 SKY
Roman_Numerals_2.png rebelรกci 29.170 36 CHC
Roman_Numerals_3.png Legato 28.399 32 SKY
Roman_Numerals_4.png rainfall 27.867 33 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_5.png ๅทด็ดข็พ…็น†.ๅคง็†Š 26.145 31 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_6.png GascaJumulita 23.522 31 SKY
Roman_Numerals_7.png haianhem 23.456 24 BW
Roman_Numerals_8.png Red wine 22.932 25 SKY
Roman_Numerals_9.png ะ”ะถะพะนัั‚ะธะบ 22.322 30 SKY
Roman_Numerals_10.png Burglar 21.014 28 CHC

The 10 greatest teutons

Roman_Numerals_1.png InquisiTor 46.367 48 SKY
Roman_Numerals_2.png ASABฤฐ 38.702 42 SKY
Roman_Numerals_3.png Zurabi 34.128 40 SKY
Roman_Numerals_4.png LinLin 33.022 41 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_5.png ใ‚ซใƒณใƒ•ใƒผใฎๆตท็‰› 29.311 38 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_6.png GaDDaR 28.789 30 SKY
Roman_Numerals_7.png Chango 24.083 29 CHC
Roman_Numerals_8.png Marino 21.171 28 ITA
Roman_Numerals_9.png Lansingart 21.054 23 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_10.png Rog-Hย ยดยด 18.457 22 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“

The 10 greatest gauls

Roman_Numerals_1.png Big Bad Wolf 36.073 39 SKY
Roman_Numerals_2.png Snart77 35.925 41 SKY
Roman_Numerals_3.png Fried cheese 32.237 37 CHC
Roman_Numerals_4.png Vlado 31.770 38 SKY
Roman_Numerals_5.png ่’™ๅฅ‡D.ๅกๆ‰ๆฑ 27.527 37 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_6.png LSCNBGTSOLAS 26.177 34 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_7.png MoMoFo 22.931 32 CHC
Roman_Numerals_8.png LeDueSorelline 22.503 26 ITA
Roman_Numerals_9.png chopper 22.430 28 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_10.png y0f4i 22.331 30 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“

The 10 greatest egyptians

Roman_Numerals_1.png ptt 59.254 51 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_2.png HavaWar 41.146 41 SKY
Roman_Numerals_3.png Tr_Flagship 40.442 41 SKY
Roman_Numerals_4.png Asmodeus 37.637 40 SKY
Roman_Numerals_5.png Night Fury 36.289 41 SKY
Roman_Numerals_6.png Saltin 34.893 36 SKY
Roman_Numerals_7.png Betonator 33.140 41 CHC
Roman_Numerals_8.png Warrior Cats 31.750 38 SKY
Roman_Numerals_9.png ่ท‘ๅพ—ๅฟซ 31.334 42 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_10.png IVI 31.285 35 SKY

The 10 greatest huns

Roman_Numerals_1.png Fester Addams 62.244 60 SKY
Roman_Numerals_2.png Varys 56.837 56 SKY
Roman_Numerals_3.png Morgan le Fay 51.042 52 SKY
Roman_Numerals_4.png FORFun 45.555 48 CHC
Roman_Numerals_5.png Oblivious Otter 43.494 49 SKY
Roman_Numerals_6.png Z4pp4 41.903 45 SKY
Roman_Numerals_7.png Rosgard 40.674 45 SKY
Roman_Numerals_8.png Huns n Roses 39.987 44 CHC
Roman_Numerals_9.png Carcha 38.048 41 CHC
Roman_Numerals_10.png ALiKoMa 37.540 41 SKY

The 10 greatest spartans

Roman_Numerals_1.png ECHO 26.067 30 CHC
Roman_Numerals_2.png Zinger 23.286 26 SKY
Roman_Numerals_3.png ้ฆ™ๅ‰ๅฃซ 22.524 33 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_4.png ่’™ๅฅ‡Dๆ–ฏๅฏ 21.423 27 ่Žๅคง่ˆช้“
Roman_Numerals_5.png Hell Inc. 21.410 25 CHC
Roman_Numerals_6.png squadra 19.501 25 CHC
Roman_Numerals_7.png _Krak3n_ 19.089 23 SKY
Roman_Numerals_8.png margelatu 17.449 20 SKY
Roman_Numerals_9.png Odd 16.176 20 SKY
Roman_Numerals_10.png AXION 15.923 24 SKY