The first Travian: Tides of Conquest gameworlds are opening their gates really soon and – to give you the best possible start – we once again gathered all useful links and information about this version in one place. Click on the underlined words to access a specific article.
- The full feature set is a must-read article. This is where you find a detailed overview of the new features.
- More details on how you can conquer regions and use the Ancient Power.
- Cities and how you can get one of them!
- City upgrade cooldown – recent adjustment to the city feature.
- All you need to know about Watchtowers and Kirilloid’s calculator for this wall extension!
- Our “Answers” page about Game Mechanics.
- The Tides of Conquest Map with all data regarding region powers, victory points and start locations.
P.S. If you have never heard about the Annual Special before and you are curious to know what differs it from the regular Travian: Legends experience, look at our comparison table: Travian: Legends vs Travian: Tides of Conquest.
Gameworld start information
- Tides of Conquest – Full Calendar
- ToC 1x Gameworlds – Full Information
- ToC 3x Gameworlds – Full Information
- ToC 2x Gameworlds – Work in Progress, will be added soon
- Watch our dedicated Ask Travian episode where our reporter Nik once again goes through the main features of the upcoming scenario.
- Watch our official Tides of Conquest Trailer.
Are you getting a bit tired after reading so much technical information and you just want to enjoy the Tides of Conquest universe?
Read our story “The Old Vulture’s Nest” and follow the heroes. The story will be continued in September with our traditional Hero Adventures series!
Do you like to listen to music while playing? We have created an official playlist to channel the mood of this major event!
We have created a dedicated channel for each Tides of Conquest gameworld on our official Discord server where you can chat, look for an alliance or just banter with other players playing on the same gameworld!
How to find them:
- Join our Official Discord channel
- Find “pick your region” in the “Welcoming party” section.
- React with the correct emoji to unlock the dedicated gameworld region.
- Do not forget to unlock your language channel to be able to talk with others in your local language!
And now… see you on the battlefield!