Travian: Tides of Conquest ~ ALLIANCE SPOTLIGHT: Honor

Welcome to our first Travian: Tides of Conquest alliance spotlight! Every Friday in August we are interviewing a key member of a well-known alliance that is planning to join one of our upcoming Annual Special‘s gameworlds.

We will bring you behind the scenes while alliances are getting familiar with the feature set and setting up their strategy to dominate the battlefield. Of course, we will not tell you all their secrets but maybe you will get inspired by the way they organize themselves and, why not, maybe you will feel like trying out a new gameworld setup!

Let’s cut to the chase and introduce our first guest: Deshkov from alliance Honor.

Hello and welcome to our first Alliance Spotlight, Deshkov. First of all, tell us something about yourself and your Travian: Legends career.

My name is Biser Deshkov and I am from Bulgaria. I am 28 years old and my in-game nickname is Deshkov, as you already know. I have been playing Travian for more than 10 years, but for 1 year I am leading the Honor International Travian Team. In real life I am married with a 3-month-old daughter. Working as a solution engineer gives me the opportunity to be online when I am at work ๐Ÿ™‚

How many Annual Specials have you played? What was your favorite so far and why?

Iโ€™ve participated in all the Annual Specials servers but for the first time this year we have managed to put together a good team capable of being in the high level of gameplay. So I can say that this last Travian: Shadow Empires x2 summer edition is a good server for us.

By reading the Travian: Tides of Conquest feature set, what is the most interesting feature, in your opinion? Why?

The most interesting thing for me is the ability to steal points from the enemy. That means that every single village will count and need to be protected. It will give the ability to change the end of the server in the last 2 weeks. This is an important change.

How does your alliance normally recruit for an occasion such as the Annual Special? Do you have any special tools you use?

We donโ€™t have a fixed recruiting system. In most cases when we see a good player from a map we give him a place to our wing clan. If he is loyal and continues to grow up we can offer him a place on the next server. Also we use the โ€œrecommendedโ€ friend system. That means if someone from the main ally vouch for you, you will receive a chance.

Without revealing your strategy, how do you come up with your “winning strategy”? Guide us through the process.

There is no such thing as a winning strategy. From the beginning to the end you need to make a lot of decisions. Only at the end of the server can you say this was a good move, this was a bad move. Of course you need a lot of active people and experience in the game.

One last question: what is your biggest wish for this Annual Special? Apart from winning, of course! Anything new you want to try out with your alliance?

My biggest wish is to start with 60 people and to finish the server with those 60 people. We are focusing now on that, to make a solid team that knows each other and can play together.
Now it is summer time and a lot of people donโ€™t have time or wish to end the server. I hate this. When we register on a server with a fixed end date, I want to be able to calculate your time and resources to the end. For the next server we will aim to continue with the process of recruiting and filling the team in the main clan.

Thank you for your time Biser! See you next Friday with another Alliance Spotlight!
